We won Again!! Las Dorothy's Rock!!
We are liking this Wining Thingy!!
We went to a Festival of Dogs, with our Hu-Cousins,
Can you beleive we were the ONLY Pugs in the whole Club!!
So obvisly we Rock , Won First Prize on Best Costume,
Since it was the two of Us,Four Hu-cousins & two Mammas, and a Gazillion Dogs, Tia G only took one photo and the battery went Dead, so the only Picture is from the News Paper, yes we made it to the NewsPaper!! so here we are second from left ro right, hope you like it!!.
OOOhhhh Tia Punchy , we like this Winning we already investigating what will the pugapaplooza 2012 theme will be!!, they have many options our favorite is Pugo de Mayo!! we have are braids ready !! we just need our Beautiful Dress as soon they decide we email Tia!!
Spongy & Licky
Las Dorothy's