Hello Everfurryfriends!
Our Friend Winston
Our Friend Winston
told us is Candas National Sweater Day!! We want to change it to Stubby's Sweater Day!! In honor of a great friend! Stubby http://lifeofstubby.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-sweet-stubby.html
who croos over the rainbow bridge.

We live in sunny Baja Califonia(next to San Diego) and even though it is not that Cold it was raining yesterday we did turn the heater off. So out Mamma took a Video of us (lack of camera on hand) wearing our Sweaters,it would have been nicer la Mamma had bought a sweater from Melissa and Emmit
Etsy Shop,http://www.etsy.com/shop/pugnotes
or maybe some PJ"S from Punchie's Etsy Shop too
but she said they would not arrive on time so put on this ugly sweater , we hope next year we will have at least one of each (big hint to la mamma).
Bechos Spongy & Licky